Designed by Helmuth Walch 2017
Geneva    2017 AUTOSHOW

The Future is Now

The Jetsons have arrived

The car Industry is facing leading edge technologies that are trying to address issues like polution and hgh rate of deaths by accidents but they don’t come without their complications.  What would be impact of 300 pound batteries when they come to end of life or if you are speeding and a police wants to give a ticket where do your park your flying car?
Who will the right of way on the clouds?  A new set of traffic laws will be needed.   If an autonomous car gets into an accident who is legally responsible if there is no driver? 

Your vote will be greatly appreciated

I apologize for the video to be in German but the main objective is to show the technology and I believe you can watch the video and appreciate it even though you don’t understand the audio. Observe the futuristic look of the vehicle, the driving wheel, the external monitors, specially how the car can see the vicycle behind the truck.
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WildSide Nature Reserve

The Future is Now

The Jetsons have arrived

The car Industry is facing leading edge technologies that are trying to address issues like polution and hgh rate of deaths by accidents but they don’t come without their complications.  What would be impact of 300 pound batteries when they come to end of life or if you are speeding and a police wants to give a ticket where do your park your flying car?
Who will the right of way on the clouds?  A new set of traffic laws will be needed.   If an autonomous car gets into an accident who is legally responsible if there is no driver? 

Your vote will be greatly appreciated


Ut aute culpa sed ea

deserunt officia

Cillum proident fugiat. Eiusmod non esse consectetur proident dolore incididunt sit, nostrud voluptate, id, fugiat dolore enim tempor. Consectetur, proident non commodo dolor nostrud eu deserunt est incididunt quis sunt. Occaecat do veniam sit nisi reprehenderit tempor qui. Sint sed aliqua qui? Ut proident laboris in consectetur in reprehenderit occaecat. Magna irure ex esse deserunt nostrud eiusmod duis. Do eiusmod elit dolore ullamco ipsum fugiat sit. Dolor dolore consequat ut anim ut. Cupidatat voluptate, culpa sit adipisicing eu aliqua, cillum esse sit sunt quis, do aute. Ipsum in nisi. Ullamco dolore incididunt eiusmod non ut excepteur duis, adipisicing id laboris.
I apologize for the video to be in German but the main objective is to show the technology and I believe you can watch the video and appreciate it even though you don’t understand the audio. Observe the futuristic look of the vehicle, the driving wheel, the external monitors, specially how the car can see the vicycle behind the truck.